TLC Chiropractic Associateships are unique and special.
TLC Associate relationships are based on clarity- clarity on what is expected, what your responsibilities are and how you can progress in your pay scale.
TLC Associates work through levels and their pay scales are graduated as you test out of the levels. Your pay scale advancement is up to you- focusing and doing the work necessary.
TLC Associateships are ideal learning environments. TLC associateships come in many varieties:
Matriarchs or Patriarchs:
Are long term associates who may want the ultimate opportunity for partial ownership or to purchase the practice
Apprentice Practices:
Where the associate stays and trains for 3 years
Spin Off Practices:
Where the host doctor could subsidize your starting a new clinic of your own or with the potential to purchase the practice
We come alongside of you to support you and to make your practice dreams come true.
Explore the current TLC practices looking for an associate and contact the chiropractor directly through their practice information listed and contact us at HQ in any way we can support you.